Monday, 12 November 2012


It always amazes me how the use of certain words can become almost fashionable.

Like the overuse of like the word like. Nine times out of ten it's use actually involves using more words than are necessary. Like, why would you do that?!

The one that is currently being used to the point of annoyance (I know it doesn't take much to annoy me!), is the word 'untenable'.
It's a word that's been around for hundreds of years. I'd heard it a handful of times in my life, yet more recently, it seems to get used in a news item every other day.

The occasion that I found most amusing was when the footballer, John Terry was quoted as using it.
This is a man whose level of ignorance, resulted in him being accused of racist name calling, during a football match!
Yet, when faced with the decision of ending his international football career he came up with the word untenable.

Yeah, right!

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