Wednesday 22 February 2012

Jesus! Really?

Several years ago, I was dating a woman, who although not religious, did claim to be 'spiritual'.
The reason that this information came to light, was her objection to my excessive use of the name, "Jesus".
She found it upsetting that I kept using her good Lord's name in vain.
It did cross my mind that when I said "Jesus", I could mumble a few other words and then finish with, "Amen".
However, I'd already disclosed that I was an atheist, so couldn't bluff my way out of it by pretending to pray!
It doesn't happen often but when somebody points out that you do something that they find annoying, or objectionable, it really highlights how often you do it.
I have to hold my hands up to excessive use of the name but once it was pointed out to me, whenever I did say, "Jesus" it was like a game show buzzer going off in my head!
Just in case the subconscious buzzer wasn't enough, this was backed up with a sideways look of disgust from a woman who I was trying to impress!
Even I became annoyed at how often I said it!
However, the problem was solved when the relationship failed to get passed three or four dates.
At which point, I decided, who cares how often I said it?

The reason this has come to mind now, is that another ex (can you see a pattern developing here?) has blamed me for her excessive use of, "really?"!
Apparently, I often use the word "really", as a question, in a non-question manner!

For instance;
Friend, "I know this person who keeps saying Jesus"
Me, "Really?"

I'm told that after spending time with me, my ex has adopted my habit and has had it brought to her attention.
I did have to wonder if my ex had become acquainted with my 'spiritual' ex!
"Jesus!" It "really" would be a small World, wouldn't it?!

I wasn't aware that I had this habit but now that it's been pointed out to me, my subconscious game show buzzer is making unwanted, regular appearances!

I did try to bluff my way out of it, by suggesting that maybe I got this annoying habit from her.
This was working for about five seconds, before it was thrown back at me.

Anyway, to cut a long story... (yeah, I know, too late!) As I'm no longer in touch with the 'Spiritual' ex, I've decided that instead of saying, "really", I'm going to try and replace it with "Jesus"!


  1. Hee hee, yeah, you do say 'really' quite a bit. Have you tried replacing 'Jesus' with a less blasphemous word like...Na, I can't think of one.

    Anyway, I don't know what the problem is, I've heard a lot worse coming out of your mouth...heathen.

    WARNING: shameless whoring out of new blog. Check it out.

    It's not for the faint hearted, so should be right up your street. :)

    1. Thanks Lily, I always knew that I could count on you for back-up!
      I hope that I won't be making a veiled appearance on your new blog!
      Unless it's something positive, then feel free to use my full name and phone number! X
